How to set up your wallet on Ehodler

  1. Navigate to and Click “LOGIN/REGISTER

Click “Create an account

Fill the “First Name” field.

Fill the “Last Name” field.

Select your country.

Fill the “Your Phone Number” field

Fill the “Enter email address, User Name, Enter password, Confirm Password” fields. Click the checbox agreeing with our terms and conditions and click the Sign Up Button.

Once you’ve completed the registration process you will be automatically logged into your Wallet, where you can access all our services. To complete your registration and start using our Services you should proceed to complete the KYC verification.

Click “Start Verification

Fill the “Address” field.

Click this dropdown to select the document you want to use for your verification

Click this file field to select a visible picture showing the front of your selected documents.

Click “Update” to submit your information.

Your KYC will be submitted and verified within 24 hours, you will receive an Email notifying you once it has been verified. You can fund your wallet And start using our services.

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