How to fund your Ehodler Wallet.

Log into your Ehodler Wallet.

Click “Fund Wallet”

Select the cryptocurrency you want to deposit from and, Click “DEPOSIT”

Enter the USD equivalent of the amount you want to deposit and click Next

Verify the transaction details and Click confirm

Copy the wallet address provided to you and paste the address it into the Recipient field from the cryptocurrency wallet you will be sending from.. 

Send the USD equivalent to the amount (plus fees) you want to  you want to send to your Ehodler wallet and click Send.

Click “View transactions” in your cryptocurrency to view and copy the transaction ID for your transaction. , The funds will appear in your Ehodler as soon as they are processed by the Ethereum network. 

 Paste the transaction ID and click submit.

Once your transaction is processed, you will receive an email showing that the transaction has been processed and your cryptocurrency will be available in your Ehodler wallet.

Your funds will be available in your deposit wallet.

You can now use any of our services.

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(10am - 05 pm)