Choosing a Cloud Mining Farm on Ehodler

A major draw for Ehodler users is the features with which they can use to evaluate our Cloud Mining farms and select one that’ll work best for them.  

I will show you how to select and start using your first Cloud Mining farm on Ehodler.

Log into your wallet.

Click on Services/Earn and select “Cloud Mining

Scroll to select a cloud mining farm.

Note: The returns, duration and minimum deposit on our farms varies according to the farm you choose to go with. Make sure to choose a plan that aligns with your budget, time frame and projected returns.

Click “Start Mining” on your selected pool

Select the Ehodler wallet you want to use for the farm.

Enter the amount you want to invest into the cloud mining pool and click “Yes

The countdown for the farm will be initiated and the projected return for the farm will be available in your interest wallet after the duration has elapsed.

To monitor the status of your cloud mining farms investment, go to your dashboard and click on “Active Investments

Click “My Investments

You can now monitor the status of your cloud mining investment and see the duration till your next payment.

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