A Smart Way to Earn Passive Income from Crypto

When it comes to managing your digital assets, earning a profit is likely one of your main goals. And while there are many ways to earn a profit from your crypto holdings, one of the most popular options is through monthly dividends. Ehodler understands this and offers its users the opportunity to earn monthly dividends from their crypto holdings.

Ehodler’s monthly dividends pay 1.5% of the total value of your crypto holdings. This is a great way to earn passive income from your crypto holdings without having to actively trade them on the market. The dividends are paid out on a monthly basis, which means that you will receive a steady stream of income each month.

One of the benefits of Ehodler’s monthly dividends is that they are predictable. You know exactly how much you will earn each month and can plan your finances accordingly. This is especially helpful for those who are looking for a steady stream of passive income.

Another benefit of Ehodler’s monthly dividends is that they are easy to set up. All you need to do is deposit your crypto holdings into Ehodler’s secure storage, and the dividends will be paid out automatically each month. There’s no need to do anything else to earn the dividends, making it a very passive way to earn income.

Ehodler’s monthly dividends are also a great way to earn passive income while you wait for the value of your crypto holdings to increase. If you believe that the value of your crypto holdings will increase in the future, you can earn passive income from your holdings while you wait for the value to rise.

In conclusion, Ehodler’s monthly dividends are a smart way to earn passive income from your crypto holdings. They are predictable, easy to set up, and a great way to earn income while you wait for the value of your crypto holdings to increase. With Ehodler’s monthly dividends, you can earn a steady stream of passive income from your crypto holdings without having to actively trade them on the market.


  • Stephanie Northmore

    September 8, 2022 - 1:11 am

    Ehodler’s secure storage and automatic monthly dividends payment sound like the perfect solution for anyone looking to earn passive income from their crypto holdings.

  • Mikayla Band

    February 3, 2023 - 1:13 am

    Ehodler’s monthly dividends offer the best of both worlds – a steady stream of passive income, and the ability to hold onto my crypto holdings for long-term growth.

  • Harrison Gormanston

    February 3, 2023 - 1:15 am

    The ease of setting up Ehodler’s monthly dividends and the peace of mind knowing how much I’ll earn each month is very appealing to me.

  • Angus Medley

    February 3, 2023 - 1:17 am

    Earning monthly dividends from my crypto holdings sounds like a great way to grow my wealth. Ehodler makes it easy and predictable!

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